Customer comments

Most recent letters.....

More than happy. This things so awesome I think I teared up a little bit. Had fun. If I can help in future, by all means ask. Thanks, again, VERY happy.

- montet2009


Omg,.........I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

This was my last FB post
"so today when I got home from YSU, a package with my name on it was waiting on my kitchen sink...yes..sink...It was a large square was my replica Captain America Helmet...yes..I'm wearing it right now... Dignity...I have none...PRide for America...check...Nerd..check.​..BUT ITS SO COOL!"

I love it! I will write my review for your site if you want one from me soon!
 I love these, it makes me feel great to know that people are enjoying my work.

This is a letter from a recent customer, these are what I do this for, making people happy brings me a lot of personal satisfaction.

Hi Greg,

I received the Captain America helmet today. It's awesome - thanks a ton! Thank you also for the bonus rubber Cap mask - this is awesome too. I tried it on and it fits perfectly. Very, very cool. A third sincere thanks for the great stand. I will definitely keep your Cap helmet on display, right next to my Thor helmets. I plan on wearing my Cap costume to the movie premier next month. I plan on wearing your helmet with a WWII leather aviator helmet underneath, but the rubber mask you just sent is also worthy of strong consideration. I like how it will tuck into my suit.

Thanks again. I will keep an eye on your auctions. Please let me know if you design any new Marvel hero costume accessories - Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, etc. Do you have a website?

Also, when particular costume needs arise for my video work, I'll contact you to see if you can help.
Best regards,